
The plugin options can be changed at 3 different levels:

  • globally: Chart.defaults.global.plugins.outlabels.*
  • per chart: options.plugins.outlabels.*
  • per dataset: dataset.outlabels.*

Available options:

Name Type Scriptable Indexable Default
text String Yes Yes '%l %p'
percentPrecision Number - - 1
valuePrecision Number - - 3
backgroundColor Style/null Yes Yes Same as pie arc color (adaptive)
borderColor Style/null Yes Yes Same as pie arc color (adaptive)
borderRadius Number Yes Yes 2
borderWidth Number Yes Yes 2
lineColor String Yes Yes Same as pie arc color (adaptive)
lineWidth Number Yes Yes 2
stretch Number Yes Yes 40
color Style Yes Yes white
display Boolean Yes Yes true
font Object Yes Yes -
font.resizable Boolean - - true
font.minSize Number - - null
font.maxSize Number - - null
font.family String - - defaultFontFamily
font.size String - - defaultFontSize
font.style String - - defaultFontStyle
font.weight String - - 'normal'
font.lineHeight Number/String - - 1.2
padding Number/Object Yes Yes -
padding.top Number - - 4
padding.right Number - - 4
padding.bottom Number - - 4
padding.left Number - - 4
textAlign String Yes Yes left

Scriptable Options

Scriptable options also accept a function which is called for each data and that takes the unique argument context representing contextual information (see option context).


lineColor: function(context) {
    var index = context.dataIndex;
    var value = context.dataset.data[index];
    return value < 0 ? 'red' :  // draw negative values in red
        index % 2 ? 'blue' :    // else, alternate values in blue and green

Option Context

The option context is used to give contextual information when resolving options. It mainly applies to scriptable options.

The context object contains the following properties:

  • chart: the associated chart
  • dataIndex: index of the current data
  • dataset: dataset at index datasetIndex
  • datasetIndex: index of the current dataset
  • labels: list of chart labels
  • percent: the percentage of dataset value at index datasetIndex

Indexable Options

Indexable options also accept an array in which each item corresponds to the element at the same index. Note that this method requires to provide as many items as data, so, in most cases, using a function is more appropriated.


color: [
    'red',    // color for data at index 0
    'blue',   // color for data at index 1
    'green',  // color for data at index 2
    'black',  // color for data at index 3

Style Options

Style options are usually inputs for fillStyle or strokeStyle.

The following values are supported:


color: 'green'                  // named color
color: '#dc143c'                // HEX color
color: 'rgb(51, 170, 51)'       // RGB color (opaque)
color: 'rgba(51, 170, 51, .5)'  // RGBa color (semi-transparent)
// ...

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